Summer has been so busy, I thought it was time for a Madison and Aunt Amy field trip. So we headed out on Friday morning to one of our favorite spots:

Madison loves looking inside all the display cases

What shall I get?

We got two freshly made glazed donuts and headed to stop #2:

My classroom. I made Madison a picnic area and she sad for about 10 minutes to enjoy her donut while I surveyed the work to be done in my classroom.

So yummy!

Almost gone!

Sweets make me happy too!

There is a lot of work for me to do!
A freshly clean hallway is a great place to run off all that sugar!

A teacher in the making...
She loved the letters for my word wall underneath the whiteboard. She would walk from A-Z and touch them and sing them or talk about the alphabet. So smart!
This proved to be a very bad idea because she got dry erase marker on that cute dress and it won't come out. I'm so sad. I bought her that dress because it has smocking on the front and back. I wanted to save it for Molly, but oh well!
She thought the globe was a ball and started throwing it around...Yikes $200 toy! Those globes are expensive!
I convinced her to put it down and study the continents and oceans!
She loves to color.
Then, she helped me put the desks and chairs in there places.
Good helper!
After all that work we went to the pool later that afternoon for swim time with the whole family!

1 comment:
Ummm... the bakery is one of my favorite places too!
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