Christmas Tradition #9
This tradition is something I've always wanted to do, but have never got around to doing it:
I would love to host a cookie/baked good swap in December. Invite a lot of friends to come and everyone bring a dozen freshly made goodies. Then everyone could swap them among the group for a wonderful assortment to take home. Sound fun?
I do!! The mother of a classmate of my son's is having one and I think I will go! Of course, it is the Monday after a busy weekend (son't birthday and visiting out-of-state parents)!!
I have been stalking your blog for a while but I am breaking my silence to comment on this b/c I love the way my old school did this. The teachers are supposed to bring in 3 dozen cookies - one dozen to taste as we divide up the others for a small smorgasboard to take home. We are also supposed to bring in a dozen or so copies of the recipes so everyone can take a recipe with them. If they like the cookie, they don't have to hunt down the baker to get the recipe, they already have it! :-)
I am enjoying your traditions. I am recently married and on the hunt to find things to incorporate into our new family traditions! So thank you for sharing these!!
Fun! I wish I had time to bake some cookies!
Fun!!! I wish I lived close to you b/c I would love to participate! Did you see the blog cookie swap that monogram chick hosted? I just mailed out my cookies and I'm hoping they don't arrive broken.
What a great idea. The woman in my family are big into baking. This is something I may need to talk them into... Thanks for sharing.
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