Don't you love Snow Days?
Eddie liked the snow, but was too cold I guess. (Maybe he was crying because we put him in a girl's winter was all we could find)
Please excuse my absence from my 'Christmas Traditions' posts this week. It's been a hectic but productive week around the Maze family! Last week I was very sick with Bronchitis and missed 3 days of school. This is not a good time of the year to miss school (the kids are wild about the season and we have SO MANY assessments to give before winter break!), but there was nothing I could do, I had to rest. This week I finally felt like a person again and started the week with gusto! I've got so many projects finished at school and home, I feel like Christmas can actually start. I'm in charge of the 'Sunshine Committee' at school and at Christmas time we buy gifts with our money collected for the Custodial Staff, Cafeteria workers, and other various personnel. This year it ended up being 21 presents (all gift cards) but still it was that one thing looming over my head all last week when I was sick...I was making my mental list of what had to be done before next week. So I purchased all the gifts ($440 worth) along with other miscellaneous things for the committee this week. Of course I've never been one to just give a lonely gift I bought coffee mugs for everyone and filled with shredded paper, candy, and candy canes and wrapped them all up in basket wrap with a big bow on them. This was a BIG project and I'm glad to have it finished. We'll give them out at our Staff Christmas luncheon on Friday.
The other project looming over my head has been wrapping and sorting my own Christmas gifts at home. I've piled them up in my bedroom for the last month waiting for a time to get the wrapping paper out and start the consuming task of packing and wrapping. I did all of that this week also, so we actually have presents under the tree! I have about 3 more presents to buy and I'll be finished!
Yesterday my sister in law. Ambre, had to have sudden out patient surgery (gallbladder removed). She's been sick for a while and so we're all glad she was able to have it taken out with a relatively minor procedure. (although she'll still be sore for a while!) Anyway, she wasn't even sure she would have surgery until last minute so it was a bit hectic. Yesterday afternoon I went with Eddie to pick her up at the surgery center so I could drive her car back home. In the midst of our commute it started snowing (it had been raining for about a day and it suddenly got much colder) and we were about 30 minutes away from home. The snowflakes were SO BIG and it was really difficult to see on the interstate because the wind was blowing it in. I was driving a van (which I'm not really used to), but I did fine. It took over an hour to get home. We live on 'country, windy' roads and have a long, steep hill (to come down) right before our driveway a steep driveway to come up. I coasted right down the hill and got in the driveway fine but couldn't get the van all the way up the driveway! It started spinning and so I just parked it and left. What an adventure!
Of course mom and I kept the kids over night so Ambre could rest at home. We took Maddie and Eddie out to enjoy the snow and they loved it (despite Eddie's picture of him crying!...he didn't want to pose for the picture). We warmed up by the fireplace when we came in.
I got a good taste of motherhood at 4:30 a.m. this morning when baby Eddie woke me up crying in his bed. He had gotten sick in the night and had vomited all over the bed and himself. Poor thing. We (thank goodness mom got up to help me!) got it all cleaned up and he continued to get sick every 30 minutes for a while. Finally he is sleeping in his bed and I hope he sleeps a while without getting sick! It's so sad to see a little one sick. And, here we are snowed in and not able to get out to get him anything! (Although I'm not even sure what he could take right now) With all that said, I'm so thankful it snowed and we have a free day off!!!!
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