Monday, July 21, 2014

the summer of 2014

believe it or not the summer of 2014 is coming to a close
it nearly brings me to tears because it's flown by at a record pace

and all through it i've seen glimpses of my girl growing up more and more
and it reminds me of how quickly these days are flying by

she's entering kindergarten, changing interests (from barney to dinosaurs, learning to read, and asking more and more questions about specific things)

we went to her regular 6 month check up and the dentist said she would loose her first tooth in about 6 months...i almost started bawling right there!
NO!  not my little girl!  I want her to keep her baby teeth inside her tiny, petite, size 5 body forever.  
Can we somehow make that deal??

Anyway, ever since that day at the dentist she's been wiggling that tooth and making it more loose.
every time i tell her to stop...that i don't want her to grow up and she says, "no mama, i want my adult teeth...i wanna be an adult!"
oh my!  if she only knew, right?

anyway, this summer has brought lots and lots of activity for us:  

for me, i've been juggling a bunch of part time jobs.  even in the midst of financial struggle, God provides a way for me to make ends meet and i'm so thankful.  when i'm doubtful, he shows again and again that he is the ultimate provider!  i'm trying to pay off a bunch of debt (acquired from lots of  stupid decisions through the years) and so i'm ever aware of of my monthly in go and out go.  this summer i've been a lyft driver, i've been tutoring a lot, and i've been painting/refinishing furniture when i find a great deal.  i've found the best money for my time has been tutoring and i don't know why i never thought of it before.  i simply put an ad on facebook, craigslist, and sent an email to some teachers and bam!  i had about 12 -15 regular tutoring sessions throughout the week.  what i've found is that it's making me a better teacher...even after 16 years we need to stay sharp!  i'm helping each of these kids in very specific areas of growth where there regular classroom teachers would not have time to do. (i know because i'm in the classroom too and even with good intentions you can't work 1 on 1 very often)  i'm continuing with tutoring through the fall semester in hopes that i can get out of debt!

a before and after of one of my furniture deals...still available for $300!

the other big news for me is that i'm moving schools again this year!  this has not come without heartache...because i did L-O-V-E  the school i was at this last year, but since i moved districts it was just too much of a pay cut.  and since i'm not in a position to make a financial sacrifice that huge, i had to go back to the large school district (where the money is at).  this is a good thing, but the school is a totally different demographic that where i was at last year.  also, i'm leaving a gorgeous classroom for a portable...the farthest one away from the school building...where i have to walk across a rock path to get to my door...that destroys your shoes in case you didn't know! ha!  (i've done it before:))  anyway, i'm always in for a challenge!  i think it will be a great year, but i've got a lot to do in the next 2 weeks before it begins!  this also means molly will be changing schools/coming with me to my school for kindergarten.  she's excited and i know she'll do well wherever she is.

here is the short list of our summer fun:
VBS week
Doctor visit/strep throat/Kinder shots

Dentist/2 loose teeth

Pool time/loving the water more and more! no fear!

fireworks on the 4th

Owls Hill Nature Walk/Butterflies

Ellington Agricultural Center/goats

lots of farmers market trips/love the peaches and tomatoes!

Fountain visits around the city...nashville and smyrna
jeni's ice cream/trying lots of new flavors!

piano practice!  molly started piano!

 Dinosaur World!  molly's new fascination with dinosaurs hit an all time high this summer!

Jesse James horseback riding/ molly's first time on a horse!
making movies/molly found the video camera and loves to use it!

uncle dave macon days
school supply shopping
time with cousins

anna and elsa spotting!

whew!  it's been a busy 2 months and i'm not ready for it to be over but i think i need school to start so i can catch my breath! ha!  


Becky said...

You need to get back in school just so you can have some rest!:) Looks like you had a wonderful Summer.

Anonymous said...

Love the update! We have a lot in common- I have adopted and am also a teacher-- would love to email you--

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