Often times as I stare into Molly's eyes I think about her birthmother. Part of me would love to know her, to see her face, to offer a big hug. And, part of me is thankful for the distance.
I can speculate on the story surrounding Molly's birth and abandonment, but the truth is, it is a story I will never know in full. What I do know, is that I'm forever indebted to her for having the courage to carry her baby to term, give birth, and abandon her in a safe place (a hospital) where she knew she would be found quickly. Her choice boggles my mind and gives me chill bumps when I think about it for too long.
Besides Jesus, she is the one person in the world who I owe the most to. I'll never be able to tell her how thankful I am for her gift. Her gift gave me life. The life she created, gave new meaning to mine. Because of her sacrifice, her baby now has opportunity, freedom, healthcare, a family, books and toys at her fingertips, far too many clothes and shoes, and the knowledge of the love of Jesus...things she could never have even imagined.
So on this day, I pause to remember this wonderful woman and I pray that she feels a sense of peace somehow in knowing that her baby is well loved and thriving with her mom!
Dear Amy,
Well...somehow, my first comment didn't go through...so I'll try again. :)
~I share your heart on our girls' birthmothers. I cannot even fathom their pain.
~If you'd like, feel free to visit my blog for May 4, 2010 "The Day I Knew Would Come." Can't believe it was a year ago this week. Anyway...that's when I told Cate about her birthmother after she approached me with some questions.
~Also, you may already know about this book..."Motherbridge of Love."
Beautiful, beautiful book which so honors birthmothers and adoptive mothers.
~And...wanted to share an idea that was shared with me. My dear friend, Betsy, gives her children a book on Mother's Day. She and her husband have 3 children and Betsy picks out a book that reminds her of each child. This year, I'm giving Cate, "Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You" by Nancy Tillman. I also give Cate a book on her Gotcha Day. This year, I gave her, "I Wished for You" by Marianne Richmond.
~No doubt, you have some tender ideas of your own, but I just wanted to pass those on to you.
~Mother's Day used to be such a hard day for me...sadly, growing up, it was not a pleasant one at our house...but that's a story for when we finally meet at Cracker Barrel. :) BUT NOW...Girl, I love this weekend. I love Mother's Day! I love it because it means Cate is here...with me.
Enjoy this extra special weekend.
Blessings from one momma to another,
I did not know that. I think the same thought so often. My heart is so conflicted...such sadness for the choice that was made...such joy that the choice made her mine...such heartbreak that her birthfamily will never know how wonderful she is...
Praying for them today!
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